“Your Mind is Huge”, “Big News Paper”, “The Little Things in Life“… These are some of the thought-provoking titles you will find in this original collection created by Robert Pasternak and Ron White. Each of the 26 chicklet-sized books are hand-assembled by the artists and come in a classic cardboard gum package. This is a limited edition of 100 boxes.
Comes with a nifty Booklets postcard.
Plus $8 for shipping and handling.
It's back! The sizzling new Bacon Bookmark will keep your place in your favourite book with crispy goodness an no oily residue! Exquisitely detailed and hand cut. Approx. 1.5 x 6.5 in. Printed on both sides, opens up into a greeting card.
2 for $6.00
includes shipping and handling.
AM #23 Visual Chewing Gum
This looks like an ordinary stick of gum, but it's really a miniature book of drawings. Amaze your friends and relatives with this ingenious little device.
includes shipping and handling.
Click image to see inside.
Some bubblicious Fun For Your Fingers as you play and sculpt with pink modelling clay. Take them anywhere. Great for office meetings when the boss rambles on or ADD individuals that need to always be fiddling with something. Looks like real 5 cent gum and comes with a Fun Fact or Fun Gum activity comic.
includes shipping and handling.
Click image for fun.
AM Society #26 Chewy Crunchy Scroll of Comics
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Click Here to Buy.
Click image to enlarge.
includes shipping and handling.
oh you think it's funny but it'SNOT
I've struck GOLD and I'm passing the savings onto you. This nugget of a product should be selling for way more than what I'm charging but who would buy them then?
Click on the image for a close-up view of the stringent hand selecting process for each of these gems. Ready to roll and flick! Comes with complete instructions.
includes shipping and handling.
the amazing MISSING PIECE
Place this die-cut mini-poster onto any surface and be amazed at how it
looks like you have a puzzle piece shaped hole in your floor, ceiling or wall.
includes shipping and handling.
Love 'em or hate 'em there's no denying the symbolic power that these two little packages bring you. Real cinnamon hearts and real empty ammo shells. Authentic love and war remnants. 3 colour silk-screened package.
$7.00/per set
includes shipping and handling.
Reproduced original size, these amazing little doodles are etheric and fantastic in showing a world beyond our imaginations.
The cards measure 2.5 x4 in. each and come 8 to a pack.
2 packs can give you the entire set.
Click image to view some of the cards.
includes shipping and handling.
Alright yous' guys listen up! Smoke 'em if ya got em!
They seem real 'cuase they are real! 5 fully poseable Sgt. Smokes cigarette butts. Real army action!!
includes shipping and handling.